Feedback from Andriana

Doesn't work at phone size well

Maybe have some more padding on the "more hidden valley ranch proucs here!" button, and you could also try to differentiate it more--round the corners, add a drop shadow, etc--so that it is more clearly a button. It may also work better at the end of your recipe page rather than at the beginning

You could try to differentiate "step #" and the actual step more to create stronger visual hierarchy.White on yellow can be a little hard to read--perhaps try a slighrtly more orange/darker color?? Or play around with the type color

Ranch Potatoes is a little hard to read against the photo of the potatoes.

Make font smaller on phone

Feedback From Kirsten

Make the font size smaller and increase the leading

"Ranch Potatoes" is hard to read - you could maybe make it bolder or use a sans serif?

Add some styling to "Step 1, Step 2, Step 3" to help differentiate it from the directions

I think the big thing is really just making this functional for the phone